Get a refurbished Nook Color for $179.99 shipped
This deal is so likely to sell out, I'm giving you four bonus deals below. Just in case.Today only, and while supplies last, 1 Sale A Day has the refurbished Barnes & Noble Nook Color e-reader for $179.99 shipped. (Thanks to my buddy Sheldon for sharing this deal!)This is my new favorite gadget. It's an awesome Android-powered e-reader that can also run a nice selection of apps (including, but not limited to, Angry Birds).In fact, with the nifty Nook2Android card, you can turn the the Nook Color into a full-blown Android tablet--and run apps like Kindle and Kobo, thereby working around the dreaded e-book "lock-in."Like the refurbs sold by Barnes & Noble directly, this one comes with a full one-year warranty--meaning it's effectively good as new.Interestingly, Barnes & Noble is still selling refurbished Nook Colors for $199--exactly the price I paid when I ordered one yesterday! Gahhhhh! See, even The Cheapskate gets burned every now and again. If only I'd waited 24 hours.You: Don't wait even 1 hour. I guarantee you these will sell out quickly. At $179, the Nook Color is way too good to pass up.Bonus deal: Adorama has the sexy, stylish Lexmark Genesis S815 multifunction printer for $154.99 shipped. (List price: $299.99.) This is less an MFP and more a work of art. Anyone own one of these?Bonus deal No. 2: Flying Delta anytime soon? You can get free inflight Wi-Fi from Gogo when you use promo code DIETCOKEGOGO.Bonus deal No. 3: As a big Fountains of Wayne fan, I have to note that the band's just-released new album, "Sky Full of Holes," is available from Amazon MP3 for just $3.99--complete with exclusive bonus track! iTunes charges $9.99.Bonus deal No. 4: Amazon has a Kingston Datatraveler 8GB flash drive for just $7.99. (Update: Sorry, it's now up to $11.99.) Amazon Prime members get free shipping; everyone else will have to pay $5.58--unless you pad your cart to over $25, in which case shipping is free.